Monday, August 12, 2019

4 Ingredients Buffalo Chicken Zucchini Boats

Buffalo Chickén Zucchini Boats - a simplé low carb stufféd zucchini récipé that only calls for four ingrédiénts.

  • 4 small-médium zucchini about 1¾ pounds
  • 1 lb. ground chickén
  • 1/2 cup Buffalo Wing Saucé not régular hot saucé
  • 1 cup shréddéd mozzarélla chéésé

4 Ingredients Buffalo Chicken Zucchini Boats
4 Ingredients Buffalo Chicken Zucchini Boats

  1. Préhéat ovén to 400 dégréés F. Spray a 9x13 inch baking dish with cooking spray.
  2. Placé a largé non-stick skillét ovér médium-high héat. Add thé chickén and bréak it apart with a woodén spoon. Cook for 7-9 minutés, until thé chickén is cookéd through, stirring occasionally.
  3. Rémové thé skillét from thé héat. Stir in thé buffalo wing saucé.
  4. As thé chickén cooks, cut thé zucchini in half, léngthwisé. Usé a spoon to scoop thé sééds and céntér out of éach zucchini half, léaving a ¼ inch thick zucchini boat. Placé thé zucchini in thé baking dish cut-sidé up.
  5. Spoon thé chickén mixturé into thé zucchini boats. Sprinklé thé zucchini événly with thé chéésé.
  6. Read full instruction here