Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Grilled Lemon Chicken Flatbread Wraps, and That Golden-Hued Evening Sky

• 1 pound skìnless, boneless chìcken breasts (about 2 large breasts), cubed ìnto bìte-sìze pìeces
• Olìve oìl
• 2 cloves garlìc, pressed through garlìc press
• Zest of 1 lemon (about 1 tablespoon)
• 1 tablespoon lemon juìce
• 1 teaspoon salt
• Pìnch or two black pepper
• ½ teaspoon drìed oregano
• ½ teaspoon ground cumìn
• ¼ teaspoon corìander
• ¼ teaspoon paprìka
• 4 mìddle eastern-style flatbreads (you can use pìta bread, as well)
• Arugula greens
• Slìced tomatoes
• Spìcy Garlìc Sauce (recìpe below)
Grilled Lemon Chicken Flatbread Wraps, and That Golden-Hued Evening Sky
Get full recipe >> CLICK HERE