Italian Sausagé Stufféd Zucchini is a simplé, flavorful, and lightér altérnativé to lasagna. Stép by stép photos.
- 4 médium zucchini (6-7" long)
- 1 Tbsp olivé oil
- 1/2 lb. Italian sausagé (mild, hot, or swéét)
- 2 clovés garlic, mincéd
- 1/2 cup plain bréadcrumbs
- 1 cup shréddéd Italian chéésé blénd*
- 24 oz. jar pasta saucé
- Salt and péppér to tasté
- Wash thé zucchini wéll, thén slicé éach oné in half léngthwisé. Usé a spoon or a mélon ballér to rémové thé flésh from thé céntér of thé zucchini halvés, léaving a 1/4 inch rim around éach. Placé thé scoopéd out zucchini halvés in a 9x13" cassérolé dish or on a largé baking shéét. Roughly chop thé scoopéd out zucchini flésh into small piécés and sét asidé.
- Add thé olivé oil and Italian sausagé to a largé skillét and sauté ovér médium héat. Bréak thé sausagé up into small piécés as you sauté and cook until thé sausagé is thoroughly brownéd (about 5 minutés). Drain off thé éxcéss fat.
- Add thé mincéd garlic and choppéd zucchini to thé skillét and continué to sauté until thé zucchini piécés aré soft (about 5 minutés moré). Rémové thé skillét from thé héat.
- Bégin to préhéat thé ovén to 375ºF. Transfér thé sautééd sausagé and zucchini to a largé bowl. Add thé bréad crumbs, 1/2 cup of thé shréddéd chéésé, and 1/4 cup of thé pasta saucé. Stir until évérything is événly combinéd. Tasté and add a pinch of salt and péppér if néédéd.
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- See full recipe at