Monday, August 5, 2019

Cantaloupe Agua Fresca

You know what goes well with chipotle braised pork tacos on a warm and sunny afternoon?  Agua fresca!

On Sundays, I spin.  I’m afraid to ride a bike in the streets of Los Angeles for fear of being hit by car.  It’s no joke.  It happens way too much in LA.

Instead I spin (high-intensity, indoor cycling on stationary bikes) and I absolutely love it!  However, after an hour of sweating and having my butt kicked, all I want is an ice cold agua fresca to rehydrate and cool my body.

Luckily, down the street from my spin class on Sunday mornings is the weekly farmers’ market.  Every week after class I visit my favorite vendor for a large glass of cantaloupe/melon agua fresca.

Forget about sports drinks and sodas. When I need something cool and refreshing, I grab an agua fresca! A simple mixture of fruit puree, water, lime juice and a dash of sugar and you've got the perfect summertime drink.

  • 10 cups cantaloupe (about 2 medium cantaloupes), cut into chunks
  • 3 cups water
  • 3 Tablespoons fresh lime juice
  • 5 Tablespoons granulated sugar, or more according to taste
  • ice, for serving
  • mint leaves, for garnish
  • In a blender, puree cantaloupe until smooth.  Pour through a fine strainer (or cheesecloth) to separate the pulp*.  You should end up with about 4 1/2 cups strained juice.  Discard pulp, or freeze into ice cubes for your drink.
  • Pour liquid cantaloupe into a large pitcher. Add water and lime juice. Stir to comine. Sweetened with sugar according to taste. Keep chilled in the fridge until ready to serve.
  • Serve with cantaloupe chunks, plenty of ice, and a sprig of mint.